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The Dairy Revolution


Dairy products have always been popular – think images of kids gulping down a big glass of milk, chunks of cheese etc. However, whilst there is still an appetite for dairy products, the way in which people consume dairy is changing.

Whilst markets like the US are experiencing a decline in milk consumption, overall dairy consumption is on the rise with yoghurt and cheese driving most of this growth.

There are however some other interesting trends…

1. Cultured Dairy for Immune Health

Immune health, and closely linked to that, gut health continues to remain a major concern for many in the post-Covid era and with their reputation for boosting the immune system both traditional spoonable and drinking yoghurts are popular choices.

2. Animal-Free Dairy

The plant-based movement is still gaining momentum but followers of this diet are always looking for products that are a palatable substitute for ‘the real thing’. As a result plant-based dairy products have expanded into plant-based yogurts, cheeses, and ice creams. Look out for animal-free dairy milks, which are made with whey proteins produced through cellular agriculture. This new type of milk allows for claims like lactose-free and cholesterol-free and can be used to make cheese and other dairy products.

3. Dairy for Weight Management

Weight management will always be big news and people will turn to whatever promises to help them lose weight and look good. Dairy products, especially high-protein, low-sugar options, are ideal be part of the solution.

4. Premium Cheeses for Wellness

Making healthy lifestyle choices has led to a growing awareness of using nutritious and functional foods to optimise health and this has created an opportunity in what has been called ‘wellness cheeses’. These premium cheeses are fortified with ingredients such as probiotics, vitamin D, and omega-3s and have strong appeal as a healthy, on-the-go snack.

Chemgrit Food is a supplier of various ingredients to the dairy industry. For information contact Chemgrit Food.

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